Jul 3Liked by Tom Kuegler, Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

The best online courses I've ever been in focus on exactly these things - community, connection, and supporting each other. I'm so pleased to see this come to life here too.

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Jul 4Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

Hi Renee

I’m with you


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Prajna, hi! So glad to see a familiar face here. I'm late to the party but maybe next session. I know writing is where I need to be.

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Hi marla, yes writing is the best for mental health, creativity, developing an inter-life, so many things. I’m glad you’re here. Do I know you from somewhere else?


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Soul Syndicate, yes?

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Oh wonderful well you’re gonna have to get your photo up so I can recognize you I will look at your page and follow you. Do you have any essays up yet? Yay.

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😀 No nothing yet, just joined. I really know very little about this platform. I'll get my Pic up. That's step one

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Jul 3Liked by Tom Kuegler, Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

I'll say it again. I've worked with dozens of coaches and mentors over the last 25 years. Tom Kuegler is the BEST teacher I have ever experienced. His gentle guidance has the same theme threaded through every single message....do what is right and best for you....listen to yourself...write and work from your center emotions. He is constantly turning the tables on his students, making them their own best teachers. And he does so by creating a genuine supportive loving and passionate community. I've made leaps and bounds in my work in the last two months with Tom that I haven't had in my entire 25 year career. I was ready for him, and he reminds me every day.

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Beautifully said Teri! I agree.

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Thank you Teri 🥹

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Jul 4Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

Hi Teri

I feel this as well and your notes are wonderful

I’m with you


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aw shucks. thanks for your compliment on my notes. I credit Tom for helping me understand the structure and format for Substack Noting. The storytelling is all me though.

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Jul 3Liked by Tom Kuegler, Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

I joined the Campfire a week ago, and I am already much more productive on Substack than previously. I've "met" several people that I feel I could be friends with, and my best friend joined Substack because of me talking about what's going on here. Writing is a solitary business. I think it makes sense that at least some writers see great benefit in connecting with other writers. We have something profound in common, maybe more than one thing...we love words, we love the opportunity to express experiences and share experiences with words. Campfire was a great descriptor for what's happening here. That's another place for sharing experiences verbally, in the intimacy of the night, in harmony with nature, having the crickets and night owls chime in their bit. I'm already grateful for this experience, and it hasn't even officially started yet! Thanks, Tom and Michael!

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Kristin I couldn't agree more. The Substack community feels so tight-knit because we're mostly a community of writers who share a lot of the same traits. I would say that I think writers in general are more sensitive, perceptive, and thoughtful. Substack really feels like "our place" on the internet, and I think that really helps the relationship building here feel so different from other platforms. We're happy you're with us!

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Kristin - Really beautifully said.

It feels wonderful to be part of a community of people who love experiencing life to its fullest and finding ways to put words to those experiences so they can resonate with kindred spirits who are vibrating on the same wave length.

On other platforms, I feel like I've had to hide this internal part of myself, because others wouldn't resonate with it. I've translated my internal world into a format that could connect with others to get likes, but I lost some of the direct connection to my own experiencing as a consequence. So, I'm enjoying reclaiming that in community.

Part of our vision with Substack Campfire is to make what we do less of a solitary experience.

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Campfire is already that for me, and we haven’t started yet! LOL

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Great words. I love the out of the box feel❣ Paradigm shifting❣ It reminds me of when walking in bear feet was taboo( year 2000). But now it is called Earthing and is considered healthy because of the flow of Antioxidants one gets from the Electrons coming up from our Mother Earth. This new Age Of Aquarius is the Information Age. And I love it. I take Ascorbic Acid Powder daily to deal with Nanotechnology and Tissue-engineering. See YouTube University of Waterloo Nanotechnology Program add if interested. Good luck everyone. Thanks for this encouraging thread❣💯😇

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Jul 4Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

Beautiful Kristin

I’m with you


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Jul 3Liked by Tom Kuegler, Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

Thanks, Tom and Simon. I wasn't accepted into the program with my scholarship application, but I've been following closely; waiting on and receiving notifications for the recordings. I really enjoyed the first class on the structure of a note. Loved it. Short sentences, bullet points, and expression of feeling. Thanks for uploading the slides, too. Loved that with it. I can now write better reflective posts. So, I hope my writing improves overall. God bless you all. Amen.

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You're welcome. Appreciate your kind words and happy to hear that you resonated with it!!

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It's a pleasure. I'm watching Linda's recording right now. Thank you.

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Jul 3Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

A campfire is intimate, and this session gave me that sense of connection. Thank you for following your calling. I'll do the same.

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Jul 3Liked by Tom Kuegler

Thank you for connecting all of us- not only in your and Michael’s Campfire Workshop, but in the raw vulnerability you show every single day. You model the very thing that it takes to create connection.

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Thank you Teyani!! ❤️

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Jul 4Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

Hey Tom and Michael,

This is such a beautiful post. Thank you.

You guys are rocking it with wonder, beauty and Grace. I love it when men are vulnerable and express their deep heart and art.

My life is super busy and challenging at times. I had a concern about being invisible in this campfire, but I received a message from Micheal that is absolutely so heartwarming that I don’t think that’s going to happen.

We have so many things in common.

I’m on the West Coast and facilitate healing retreats all over the world, but my truest love is to write, connect and heal through stories.

I am slowing down here on Substack to make true connections online.

I’ve tried several platforms and never felt this excited!

I have 67 years of stories to tell from colorful background, and a life raising daughters with disabilities.

Inspired by ya’all


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Wow! Hi Prajna

67 years of stories is a significant gift!

I pray you gain more strength and grace to tell us as much as you can.

We're rooting for you. 🤗

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Thank you, Justice, I am rooting for you as well.

I look forward to seeing your notes.

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Jul 9Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

Congratulations. It's a dream number for me. I envy you.

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If you could see behind the scenes of Tom and I's entrepreneurial journeys, you would see that we were working for below minimum wage for years until writing made us any real money.

In my opinion, if you can design your writing process such that it brings you joy, even when you're not making money, then you've already won. First, you enjoy writing more. But, second, your writing gets better and the money comes as a byproduct.

That's how I think it works at least.

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Jul 4Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

Very inspiring, and I feel compelled to join. What is the cost?

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Hein - You can see the investment at https://www.thecreatorcampfire.com/subscribe. It is $299 for just this month's challenge (monthly option) or $595 for three challenges (yearly option).

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Jul 24Liked by Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺

Hey Marla, you’re in a great place with this campfire. I joined only about six weeks ago. I think I’ve had seven but I’m doing notes every day because of this campfire since it began a week ago

If you ever wanna chat, I’m happy to tell you everything I know. You’ll catch on. It’s a wonderful place to be and I’m learning something new every single day.

Let me know when you have something up. I will follow you.


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Tom Kuegler, thank you for your words of encouragement❣

I am Ms. S. Smith and yes that's my real name. I am Ontarian 🇨🇦,Scottish, English, French and Polish background. I love to learn about my ancestors cultures and histories. I like the anonymity of my last name. I am building my Substack Canadian Apple Pie. I live in Ontario Canada 🇨🇦, hello everybody!

I read to my senior loved one your statements about finding at least one person to support our efforts. Very nice! I am glad words like yours existed because your statements made a positive impact! I like to protect Confidentiality hence my use of wording. I have heard in the past discouraging words like, "Well I won't be reading your Substack!". These mental discouragements from loved ones can really slow one down. Most of the time support from loved ones is forthcoming but in this new Age of Information we are learning new ways that can become successful and perhaps our loved ones just simply do not know about these new ways!

So thank you again from the bottom of my heart!

At my age and as a Woman I have many roles, that take up my time. Carer as a Daughter, a Niece, a Sister, a Mother, a Grandmother and a support to my Old Man, even though we are not Married. I am happily in love with my Heavenly Maker; although I am not a Nun in the Church I am a member of The Catholic Women's League. I consider myself a Catholic Mystic in my experience, chosen beliefs and knowledge. I live a completely celibate life with peaceful relationships. It took me many years of trial to gain the knowledge I carry.

I will be 50 years old this year. I have so many life experiences that I would like to share with readers. In my previous career role as a Health Care Aide I took physical care of the disabled, elderly and youth in Long Term Care and in Home Care. My first experience was as a Live In Domestic Worker for my Polish Great Aunt and Uncle who were in their eights and ninties at the time and they had no children. Four months after his wife died in Hospital of Iatragenic Death😭 I did Paliative Care for my Great Uncle. He was at age ninty-four which allowed him to die peacefully in his sleep at home in his own bed in 2003. He was lucid to the end and he was the most wise man to this day I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He was a Polish Captain before WWII and then a Captain for Britain during WWII. His stories began my love for history. The real history!

I almost became an Interior Designer while working in Custom Art Installation in Toronto but my calling was to Care. I have embraced my Womanhood and I question the wisdom of society builders for pushing women into the work force by the Industrial Revolution and WWII.

By nature women are generally carers of their loved ones. We nurture by nature. Men provide and protect by nature. Our traditional roles as Men and Women were carried through thousands of years!!! I see young adults speaking about these traditional roles in a positive light. A positive light with a modern twist. An honour, a respect for each other. As well functioning adults we do not tell each other what to do. Our standard of living has improved no doubt about that but at a huge cost to some families, men, women and children and traditional ways. And that is very sad. Hopefully in this time of paradigm shifting we can keep the best and improve upon the worst.

2020 began a change for everyone (with the mass introduction of Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence and something called Bio Digital Convergence a Canadian term) and I focus much on that in the Notes I share. I never quit my Personal Support Worker/ Health Care Aide role but due to health issues I am signed off currently.

Perhaps my non-fiction stories will really help those who find them.

Now that video is available under Notes I hope to wear my Victorian/ Edwardian Dress and read some of The Life & Times Of The Right Honourable Sir John A McDonald. This is a book published in eighteen eighty-three and originally it was published and available in The Government Of Canada Ministry Of Agriculture. It outlines ideas like, liberty, equality and an escape from the Old Tyrant Custom!

Canadian Apple Pie will develop and I hope it will be a good newsletter on the Substack Application. I am so happy that this platform exists.

Our Age Of Aquarius is moving right along. The Unvailing (Apocalypse in Greek) is happening. Hopefully the Unvailing will save lives.

I hope and pray that good apples will over come any bad apples because my greatest hope is for mankind to continue eternally.

Words are a gift from God for me because no other known animal can read, write and build the way we Homo Sapians can. This for me proves God had a special hand in our creation. Angels I have witnessed and for me this simply means Messengers. We live in Creation, not Simulation; because Simulation implies Imitation. I also have curiosity about Rencarnation and Heaven and Hell and the Afterlife due to an experience I had at age 25 under months long fasting in 2000, while seeking God. As a Catholic I will always be thankful for the lessons of Christ, His Son.

I have tons to write about, Tom!

And I love people. And I love Honourable Scribes❣

Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself here. I hope you don't think it's too much.😇🍎

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Wow! Hello Ms. Smith. Thanks for the wonderful comment. Just more proof at the power of the written word. Your story gets to be told to me across thousands of miles as I sit here in Mexico City, and I get to hear all you've been through to get here. And no, I don't think it's too much at all. My partner Michael and I were very honored and touched to receive this comment today. Thanks for being part of our community. :)

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I can’t wait to dive into this community! Sorry I’ve been MIA so far. (My very sick cat took a turn for the worse on Sunday and it’s kinda torn up my life.) I will watch and read every Campfire thing I can before the 8-July official start.

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Hello Deborah. Welcome I look forward to your post and getting to know you.


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