The Substack Campfire is a storytelling incubator that includes:
A 3x per year month-long writing challenge to help you break through on Substack Notes.
Dozens of interviews, trainings, and mini-courses related to storytelling and succeeding on Substack.
An ongoing year-long community with Q&A.
The Challenges
Created by Tom and Michael, our four-week writing challenges are designed to help you take the first steps to earn a side income on Substack via Notes.
During the challenge, you do two things every weekday with expert support as part of our deep community:
Post one Substack Note per day that introduces you to the broader Substack community.
Comment on 10 other Substack Notes that you deeply resonate with.
The dates of our next 4-week challenge are October 28 - November 22.
We run new 4-week challenges every four months.
The Monthly Community
In between challenges, we keep the fire going with:
Occasional free interviews with Substack bestsellers
Weekly threads to share your Notes (paid subscribers only)
Monthly Mini-Courses with Substack bestsellers (paid subscribers only)
PSA: Our September Mini Course will feature .
We will feature one Substack bestseller every month to give one free interview and one paid mini-course.
You also get immediate access to our 15+ hour library of past interviews and trainings. We’ve had the pleasure of interviewing Substack bestsellers like
, , , , and .Interview Library
Training Library
On The Origin Of Substack Campfire
At 2:37pm on Wednesday, April 3, I got Tom’s phone number from a mutual friend, and I sent him a message to see if he wanted to connect:
Tom responded 78 minutes later, and we set up a conversation for that Friday:
That’s when I started cyberstalking Tom and found out that he did writing challenges on LinkedIn called LinkedIn Sprints. But, I couldn’t find a link to it, so I asked him about it:
He responded by sharing more about the program, but saying that he phased it out because he got burned out and because he wanted to focus on Substack:
Over the next few days, we shared many more messages about:
Our writing journey
Our experiences on Substack (what was working and not working)
Our plans for the future
What we liked about each other’s styles
Questions we had about something the other person could do better than us.
We also commented on each other’s notes and recommended each other’s publications.
Tom was particularly generous when he gave me full access to one of his programs on Notes writing after I asked for his advice:
In the video lesson Tom shared with me, he explained how commenting and building relationships was fundamental to his success on Notes, not just great writing notes.
Given how much I love building relationships and my experiences teaching others about writing, I immediately saw the power of Tom’s approach. At the same time, I understood that relationship-building could be draining. I had gone through a similar burnout cycle as Tom a few years earlier.
So, I wondered if it would be possible to build relationships without getting burned out…
In follow-up conversations, we each explored how to build relationships in a way that was energy-giving rather than energy-draining. This was an interesting puzzle given that we are both introverts who love to connect with others.
As we went back-and-forth, the idea of co-creating a Substack Notes writing challenge seemed more and more compelling.
So, on Thursday, May 2, I floated the collaboration idea by Tom..
And Tom responded a little under two hours later saying he was IN!
We each felt excited by the possibility of the challenge:
We each have strengths that complement each other.
We each have done writing challenges before.
We can each teach, write, and support the community.
And we each felt nervous of taking on a huge, unplanned project that could be overwhelming.
After several more back-and-forths, we decided to go for it. But, we decided to only do so in a way that would be sustainable and not lead to burnout. We didn’t want to create a “successful” program that we didn’t actually enjoy facilitating.
By May 6, we were brainstorming names…
The One Decision That Formed The Foundation Of Substack Campfire
In our initial brainstorms for the unnamed writing challenge, we decided to take a risk.
Rather than continuing to do what we were comfortable doing from our past programs, we decided to think from scratch. We wondered:
What would be our dream program to create that we would love teaching forever?
What program would fit best with the Substack community?
That’s when we started to cement the values that are now core to Substack Campfire:
Authentic Sharing. Rather than just teaching a conventional program where we teach the strategies and hacks of top-performing content, we decided to create a space for students to write about whatever was most authentic and inspiring to them.
Authentic Relationship Building. Rather than transactional relationship building that turned relationships into metrics, we decided to focus the program on deep, authentic one-to-one relationship building.
With these values in place, we started brainstorming name. Some names on our shortlist from May 6 were:
The Substack 7-Day Sprint
30 Days Of Substack Stories
30 Days Of Stories On Substack
30-Day Story Experiment
The 30-Day Substack Campfire
30-Day Substack Camp
None of them felt right though.
And then Tom suggested Substack Campfire.
As soon as I heard it, I knew that would be our name.
A campfire was a perfect metaphor for what we wanted to do:
Sharing our stories
Communing with each other
Creating a safe space from danger
Lighting your passion for writing on fire
For all of human history, we’ve gathered around campfires to share stories, bond with each other, and cook our food. What better metaphor for what we’re doing here?
The Most Surprising Result Of Substack Campfire 1.0
We came up with the name on May 6. By July 1, less than two months later, Substack Campfire was a reality.
During July 2024 Substack Campfire, 70+ campers posted on Notes almost every day while also commenting on thousands of Notes.
Again, rather than prescribing hacks and templates, Tom, and I encouraged campers to authentically share whatever they wanted to.
Neither of us knew what would emerge.
And, honestly, we were completely surprised and touched by what emerged.
Rather than everyone going off in all directions, authentic, vulnerable, personal storytelling emerged as the primary format. It’s what campers wanted to write, and it’s what campers wanted to read. The end result is that we became surprisingly close in just 30 days.
It was from this experience that we realized that authentic storytelling was central to Substack Campfire. Thus we decided to double down on storytelling…
Storytelling Is At The Heart Of Substack Campfire 2.0
From looking back at people’s short stories on Notes, we realized that what people were writing was actually a unique type of writing that combined three things:
Shortform storytelling
Online storytelling
Personal storytelling.
We decided that this fusion was unique enough that it deserved its own name…
While there are a lot of resources on how to write a full-length memoir or how to write fiction, we found that there were almost no resources on how to write Mini Memoirs.
There was a hole that we could fill.
That’s when we decided to make it our focus. As soon as we had the idea, we knew it was the future our program:
It matched the DNA of Substack Campfire
Storytelling is the #1 way that people throughout time have connected with each other, shared their expertise, and even sold their products and services
It was a program that we would literally take ourselves
Despite the power of Mini Memoirs, there is actually very little authentic, raw storytelling online…
Substack Campfire 2.0 Is A Storytelling Incubator
It’s odd right?
Why would something that so many love to read and right not be more common online.
After talking to campers about their experiences, Tom and I understood the answer:
Posting on social media can feel like shouting into the void.
It feels particularly lonely to spill your guts and then get zero likes publicly.
We all know the pain of sharing something and then having a pit in our stomach for hours wondering whether we just overshared.
This hostile environment makes it hard to be vulnerable.
Thus, so much of the Internet’s content is shallow and performative.
What Tom and I saw with Substack Campfire is that when we created the community around storytelling, people did it naturally.
Community was the unlock. In many ways, we were serving as an incubator for campers new to Substack to:
Practice sharing their story
Have a community that served as a safe and reliable to always be seen by
Build momentum via skills and relationships so that they felt comfortable sharing on there own.
Here’s Tom going deeper on storytelling on inside of Substack Campfire…
Write Your Mini Memoirs With Us
Have you ever opened up Twitter and immediately wanted to vomit?
Us too.
Shortform content online is a real minefield. It’s full of:
Growth hacks
Humble brags
Money flaunting
Performative #influencer garbage
And finally, our favorite: clickbaity self-help bro ridiculousness.
We don’t like this. Quite frankly, we’re disturbed that this even gets attention on the internet. All these posts look, say, and feel the exact same. Soulless!
So what’s the antidote to this?
Mini Memoirs.
Here’s a Mini Memoir from Substack camper
that made me cry...Go ahead. Read it. How did it make you feel? Were you nourished reading that? We were, too.
You know what the internet needs?
More posts like THAT. Raw, authentic, and highly personal.
Just someone bearing their soul to the world, and telling us a story that makes us reflect on what it means to be human.
Why can’t we build a home on the internet for stuff like that?
Well, that’s exactly what we’re doing with the Substack Campfire. We’re trying to create the internet we want to see in the world.
During our first Note challenge in July 2024, Michael and I were shocked at the depth of storytelling we saw from our students.
Like this heart-wrenching story from
about her best friend.Our ‘Campers’ also noticed that personal stories performed better than Notes without stories in them, as
expresses below 👇To prove that point, here’s another Mini Memoir that performed well for a member of our community,
.During our first challenge, Michael gained 470 total subscribers, with 311 of them coming from Notes specifically. 👇
gained over 200 subscribers and 450 followers.Sinem Günel gained over 500 subscribers to her publication, Write • Build • Scale.
“Wait, Tom, so you’re telling me that personal stories not only “un-gunk” the internet but also perform better on Substack?”
Yes. That’s what we’re finding.
Personal stories:
Are more fun to write
Perform better on Substack
Are the key to monetization
Michael Simmons made the connection between monetizing and being yourself in a recent live training:
And we see this over and over again on Substack all the time. My friend Kelton writes a publication called Shangrilogs, which has hundreds of paid subscribers. All she does is post one deeply personal free article per week, and one paid article per week. It’s worked well for her so far, and many people pay her to read her work.
The fact is, you have to make your audience feel something if you want a snowball’s chance in hell of them paying you.
Without feeling something, they will never support you.
And stories cut through the unemotional red tape of the internet and get right to the good stuff. They make connections.
Right, Michelangelo?
Why exactly do mini memoirs perform so well? Well,
They’re innately emotional, which resonate with audiences
The details are interesting because they’re unique
They’re relatable
It’s a slam dunk.
Read the above three bullet points again.
Guess what? Emotion, unique details, and relatability are the foundation of great writing. By learning storytelling, you’re learning how to be a better writer.
But we’ve also found that mini memoirs are easier to write, since it’s your story. That ease of writing gives initial confidence to our students.
Not only that, writing our own stores gives us a chance to heal, to learn, to grow, and to rewrite our own story.
And look, how many of you have always wanted to write a memoir?
Okay, great! The first step towards writing a memoir is to start diving into your best stories one by one. Something about writing a 50,000+ word manuscript feels a little, what’s the right word? DAUNTING, doesn’t it? Yeah, it does.
Enter mini memoirs! A perfect proving ground to write short stories about your life and see what resonates most with your audience on Notes.
And you know what else? Writing short stories on Substack Notes will make you an overall better storyteller. The best writers use less words to convey more.
It just makes sense to start with bite-sized Notes before you write a 50,000-word memoir. I mean, I’m not going to climb Mount Everest on my second day as a hiker.
But forget all of that for a second.
Don’t you want to read good shortform posts? You know, stuff that doesn’t talk about all the millions of dollars someone made online last month that makes you want to gouge your eyes out?
Gosh, I do, too.
Don’t you want to be part of a better internet?
Our student, Svetlana, summed up the difference between the genuine nature of Substack Notes and the disingenuous mess of platforms like LinkedIn perfectly:
Mini Memoir writing IS the ticket to a more genuine, heartfelt, and connective internet.
And we hope you can join us as we try to revolutionize shortform writing on Substack.
Join Our Story Incubator
Over the next 12 months, Michael and I will:
Interview 10+ great storytellers on Substack
Create monthly mini-courses with these writers
Deliver 50+ hours of training about how to write better stories online
We will also give you the space to write these mini stories with our community via:
Weekly threads
3x annual intensive Note challenges
You’re not just getting the instruction. You’re getting the whole state-of-the-art Practice Facility to create your stories and get support!
Here’s what our ‘Campers’ have said about how supportive this community is:
“I feel like I can post anything without any worries.”
This is what I have noticed about the Substack Campfire community so far:
It’s a safe space
I feel like I can post anything without any worries
Brilliant minds to learn from
Diverse lifestyles and cultures to draw inspiration from
“I am happy to help if I can” mindset
Good vibes
Givers not takers
Executive Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Author
“The campfire has been a real gift to me.”
“This campfire group has been a real gift to me. It is awesome to have a global writing community filled with positive encouraging people here to serve. I feel like the group mirrors the hearts of our founders, Tom Kuegler ⛺🪵🔥 and Michael Simmons 🪵🔥 ⛺, who I have found over years of being their students to have servants’ hearts.”
“I’ve never felt such a safe space with my writing.”
“I know that when Tom and Michael came up with the name Campfire, they really meant it to be a community sharing all our wisdoms as people do around a campfire. I feel like we are a tribe, warmed by the fire of our commitment to writing. I’ve never felt such a safe space with my writing.”
Mindfulness Coach
Sharing in a community guarantees that your story will be received and give you the fodder of what resonates.
Teri talked about how this community—and Substack as a whole—has been the best experience of her writing career. 👇
The proof is in the pudding. Here’s a list of incredible stories that were published in our community recently.
Why Tom & Michael
Tom and Michael have each been online creators for 10+ years, reaching 10+ million people on 10+ platforms, including the Harvard Business Review, TIME, Forbes, Inc., Entrepreneur, Forbes, and Fortune.
Tom’s Substack Notes make him one of the most engaging Notes creators on the platform…
Tom’s writing style is based on processing and expressions his emotions in order to help readers do the same.
Michael’s blockbuster approach has helped him consistently create high-quality, viral posts:
His approach to Notes has helped him:
Test and promote ideas for longer posts
Leverage research that didn’t make it into longform posts
Michael loves going deep down rabbit holes and marrying analytical with intuitive approaches. For example, has spent 2,000+ hours analyzing the patterns of viral online content in spreadsheets. Then, he performed 4,000 A/B tests to see what patterns worked the best.
Benefits Of Participating
Together, we have individually facilitated 10+ 30-day challenges over the last three years. Tom facilitated LinkedIn Sprints. Michael facilitated Month To Master challenges. From this experience, we’ve learned how to help participants:
Overcome procrastination and build the habit of publishing your ideas online.
Get feedback, encouragement, and engagement from a community of like-minded Substackers.
Find potential collaborators who help you grow beyond the challenge.
Improve at the fundamental skill of online writing.
Build a following on Notes that you can turn into a paid newsletter.
Have fun.
The annual membership includes three challenges. Here are the dates of our upcoming programs:
October 28 - November 22
March 2025 (exact dates TBA)
July 2025 (exact dates TBA)
How The Note Challenges Work
Annual paid subscribers receive full access to three Note challenges per year. For each challenge, paid subscribers get the following benefits:
Receive a daily prompt with instructions to help you create authentic content that helps you tell your story, get engagement, and spark relationships.
Receive two 90-minute live training sessions. Gain access to live training sessions and workshops led by Tom & Michael.
Receive two group calls. Ask questions, meet other Campers, edit posts live, and analyze popular Substack Notes as a group.
Be featured in our daily Notes Roundup newsletter. Have your notes featured in a daily newsletter roundup of everyone’s posts. Being featured helps you get discovered by other challenge participants. Here is an example of our daily roundup thread.
Share your Notes daily with the community. Every day in the aforementioned thread, paid participants can share links to their Notes. Enjoy initial traction on your Notes and find other great writers in this challenge.
Be featured in our directory. You’ll be added to a directory of challenge participants so you can find people who write about the same topics, at the same stage in their career, or who live close to you.
Get unlimited questions answered in the community. Tom & Michael will personally make sure that every question is answered.
Below is a deeper breakdown on what challenge participants receive:
Here’s a tentative schedule of our four 90-minute live sessions for our November Challenge. Every call will take place at 11 AM EST.
Monday, October 28: The State of Notes in November 2024
Monday, November 4: Live group call with the community (Q/A included)
Monday, November 11: Viral Note Template + Workshop with Tom
Monday, November 18: Live group call with the community (Q/A included)
All classes are recorded.
PSA: State of Notes in November 2024 will be about the best current strategies on Notes, along with examples, mini-templates, and guiding principles for success.
PSA: Viral Note Template + Workshop is a 90-minute workshop where you learn how to write a viral Note line-by-line with Tom.
On July 1st, I did a free Notes Training where I taught 90+ live participants how to write a Note line-by-line. People absolutely loved it.
Students received:
1 Note to post
Insight into my writing process
Principles for writing future Notes
It was active learning in the purest sense.
I’ve done a few more of them since July 1st.
told me she rearranges her schedule to attend these trainings!Michael and I had the idea to start doing similar Note workshops with other Substack writers. We’re happy to announce that we’ll be featuring
in our first monthly mini course in September.Michael has:
83,000 followers on Medium
A recently published book called Shy By Design
He’s also, personally, the best writer I know, and one of the best storytellers on the internet.
Here’s a viral Note of his that I really enjoyed:
These monthly mini courses include:
30 minute interview
60 minute write-with-me session (Note template)
30 minutes of live editing with Michael
These mini courses are a great opportunity to:
Witness the process of professional writers
Ask them questions
Gather “tricks” to use in future Notes
Become a better storyteller
Our focus for these mini courses will always be on storytelling, and we’ll ask each guest to show how to write a Note with a story inside it.
So, that’s a fun addition we’ve put in!
We’re lucky to have Notes extraordinaire
as part of our team at the Substack Campfire. She’s one of the best Note writers on Substack right now.Here’s a post she wrote in July that went mega viral.
If you take a look at Kristi’s profile, you’ll see she’s really captured the zeitgeist of Notes right now.
You’ll see Kristi doing stuff like:
Commenting on Campers’ Notes
Publishing the ‘Daily Threads’ during the challenge
Publishing the ‘Weekly Threads’ in between challenges
Answering questions here and there when she has time
She’s a VERY valuable part of the team and Campers should count themselves lucky that one of the best Note writers on Substack is looking at their posts so closely.
Here’s a list of mentors we’ve interviewed at the Substack Campfire so far. Click here to see all these great interviews in one place.
Note: We’re updating live as we land new mentors!
Linda works at Substack, helping writers and creators of finance, investing, business and economics content to grow their audiences and make money.
, where 3,000 subscribers gather to get advice from Veronica on writing, mindset, and well-being. You might have seen her in your Notes feed recently. 😊
, where 41,000 subscribers gather to deconstruct popular beliefs that lie behind today's most alluring narratives—including the ones we tell ourselves.
Author of
, where 6,000+ subscribers get weekly writing advice from David. Also, he’s one of the most popular Note Writers on the platform right now.
Sarah Fay
, which boasts over 10,000 free subscribers. Sarah is THE go-to Substack expert with over 1,000 paid subscribers and a boatload of experience on the platform. We’re privileged to have her in this program.
, which helps 6,000+ writers start, grow, monetize and market their writing and newsletter online. She has more than 180 paid members, and is a global Top 30 education publication on Substack.
Participants receive a 10% discount on Michael and Tom’s newsletters:
Blockbuster Blueprint (Michael)
Mind Of A Writer (Tom)
Why Substack? Why Notes? How Now?
#1. Why Substack
Substack isn’t just another social media platform. It’s a creator platform. This is a big deal on a few levels…
On social media platforms, creators are the commoditized supplier. On creator platforms, creators are the customers. Substack takes 10% of whatever creators earn on the platform. This means that Substack ONLY makes money when you make money. This is a big deal and famous investor Charlie Munger explains why with a timeless quote, “Show me the incentive, and I will show you the outcome.”
Substack is the only creator platform designed to foster community among its creators. While other social networks are like a loud town square, Substack is designed for community. Tools that enable this include direct messaging, Notes, directory of top publications, recommendations, cross-posting, multi-creator posts, and more to come.
In the end, on social media platforms, many creators have to start from scratch every few years as the platforms change their algorithms and features. But with Substack, you can ALWAYS reach your audience directly, because you have their email address. Therefore, it’s a more stable foundation to build on.
#2. Why Notes
Notes are a powerful tool to:
Test out early-stage ideas before you spend dozens of hours expanding on them
Share digestible snippets from my longform posts on your newsletter
Build relationships and eventually collaborations with other creators on the platform
Easily get started with sharing your ideas online
Tom grew his newsletter by 6,000 subscribers in three months writing viral Notes that got thousands of likes, like this one:
Notes are the most powerful mechanism on Substack for growing a newsletter, and it might be the most powerful mechanism on the internet for growing a newsletter, too.
#3. Why Now
Tom & Michael have each successfully grown on 10+ platforms over 10+ years. By being on so many platforms for so long, hidden patterns become clear. One of those big patterns is this…
Timing is everything!
The internet is changing rapidly. What works now will not work for long. Therefore, strike while the iron is hot. And harvest when the fruit is ripe. Timing is an incredibly essential part of success as a creator, and it’s often underestimated.
If you use the right feature on the right platform, breaking through is easy. If you use the wrong features on the wrong platform, almost nothing you do matters.
Our experience tells us that the timing is ripe for both Substack and Substack Notes. In short…
Substack is here to stay. Substack was started in 2017, and it reached takeoff velocity in the last year. There are now millions of paid subscribers on Substack and the numbers are growing.
Substack is not crowded. At the same time, Substack hasn’t been overtaken by trials, polarization, marketers, pay-to-play, or crowdedness. Rather, conversations are almost entirely nuanced, open, and generative.
Substack Notes has gained traction. Substack Notes were launched in April 2023. They didn’t get much traction at first, but in 2024, when Substack introduced an algorithmic newsfeed, engagement increased dramatically.
Notes aren’t crowded. Both Tom & Michael were able to gain traction in a matter of months.
Finally, the timing is right for this program.
We have run 10+ challenges between us, and we each charged about $500. Because this is our first program on Substack, we’re charging significantly less. We plan to significantly increase the price in the future.
Who It’s For
All types of creators (text, video, audio)
All levels of creators:
People with an existing newsletter
People who don’t have a newsletter yet
People who want to earn a significant income from Substack
People who want to create high-quality content they’re proud of
People who want to have a writing process that brings them joy, makes them feel alive, develops them as a human being, and makes them feel like a kid in the candy store
People who want a strategy that works better and better over the long-term
Experts who have something rare and valuable to share with others
Who It’s Not For
People who primarily want to hustle and use discipline
People who are optimizing for the short-term
Marketers who primarily care about getting new customers
People focused on transactions rather than relationships/impact
We’ve all bought products that promise the moon but don’t deliver. We want to take all the risk away, and make this truly a “no-brainer” for you. If you aren’t satisfied with the results you got after 30 days, just let us know, and we will happily give you all your money back.
“The single most clever decision I've made.”
It's not only the golden, distilled bits of practical and actionable knowledge you share, it's the habits and attitude transformation I'm experiencing. I'm getting much more and much faster than I expected!
Alex Mera
Analyst at Tango/04 Computing
“My business to the next level.”
I built an event management company in Madagascar with multiple employees within three years. However, over the last year I hit a plateau that I haven't been able to overcome.
I was losing hope. But using Michael's course and coaching helped me see this challenge from a different light and opened my eyes up to new ways of learning, Now, I'm on my way to taking my business to the next level, and I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Sanda Solofoson
COREALI Event Management
“The best teachings in 25 years.”
It’s the best teachings I have gone through in the last 25 years… And I have studied and learned from some of the best minds over the last 50 years... people like Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Brian Tracy, and so on.
Michael’s teachings have stimulated me into action like I have not been in since 1990.
Nate Brooks
Sales and Business Coach, Nate Brooks Coaching
“It was transformative!”
Michael’s course was transformative for me...Both the welcoming environment that Michael created and the openness of the others who participated really made this a life-changing event. It was amazing!
Kate McKinnon
“I grew my network and improved my writing habit exponentially.”
Tom is an honorable, down to earth leader who brings his all through his delivery, instruction, and mentorship. I enrolled in Tom's 30-day Linkedin Sprint program after reading his work for 2 years on Medium. I learned SO much, grew my network, and improved my writing habit exponentially.
Susie Pinon
Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator
“One of the most rewarding experiences I've had in a long time.”
Tom is a master at writing content and teaching others how to improve their own content and grow their following. Not only that, he has an approachable, fun and down to earth style that is incredibly inspiring for others who want to share their message with the world. His 30 day LinkedIn Sprint was one of the most rewarding experiences I've had in a long time. With Tom's expertise, guidance and generous spirit, I was able to push myself to be a better creator, and writer, and have a bigger impact in the world.
Matt Mills
Leadership Coach
“Tom genuinely wants his participants to succeed.”
Tom’s enthusiasm is infectious. I admire Tom’s openness to feedback, and his willingness to adapt to ensure his program has the most impact on those participating. Tom genuinely wants his participants to succeed. His innovative mind and kind spirit make him great to work with and I am excited to see what he does next!
Jennifer McCloskey
Career Coach
“The engagement on my posts has increased significantly.”
Thanks to Tom, the engagement on my LinkedIn posts has increased significantly. I’m getting more views, reactions and comments. The trend has been upward as the program has moved along as well. I’ve learned enough that I'm sure I can keep the trend going in the future.
Irene Marshall
Career Coach
Our aim with Substack Campfire was to put together an irresistible offer that would be a no-brainer and provide 3x the value of what we’re charging. To summarize what you get…
Three Note-Writing challenges in 12 months ($1,500 value)
Dozens of trainings, interviews, and workshops ($2,500 value)
Ongoing year-long support from the community ($1,000 value)
That’s a $5,000 value.
You can get three challenges, dozens of trainings, and ongoing year-long support for just $995 annually.
If you just want access to our library of trainings, weekly threads, and community for one month, sign up on our monthly plan for $195.
Scholarships Available: We want the challenge to be a gift to the overall Substack community while earning enough income for us to fully invest in delivering a transformative program. Therefore, we are also offering scholarships for individuals who really want to participate in the challenge, but can’t afford it. To get the scholarship, please complete this form.
If you have any questions, feel free to DM Michael or Tom directly.
Looks terrific! I’m not really sure how to use Notes, but want to, so the timing is perfect. As you say, timing is everything.
Up at 4am researching why my note postings end up in the void and the universe shows me this! A sign? A coincidence? A working algorithm? Internet goblins or… is someone watching me??